Merlins Zaubertrank

Instruction for creating blocks:

Grey - is booked
Green - is avaliable
Red - is block
To add a new block, just click on the free slot (green). If it has changed color to red, the block has been successfully added. To remove a block, click on it again, it should change color to green. Adding or removing a block in the system is not instantaneous, as it works in real time. To navigate through the weeks, use the buttons located above the calendar on the right.
ab 19€
Merlins Zaubertrank - Dringe in das rätselhafte Versteck des Alchemisten ein, stehle das Rezept eines mächtigen Elixiers und braue es, bevor der Zauberer zurückkehrt. Präzision und Heimlichkeit sind deine Verbündeten.
Merlin's Magic Potion - Penetrate the enigmatic lair of the alchemist, steal the recipe of a powerful elixir and brew it before the wizard returns. Precision and stealth are your allies.
Children are only allowed to enter the Escape Room if accompanied by an adult.
Kinder dürfen den Escape Room nur in Begleitung eines Erwachsenen betreten.
Die Escape Rooms sind ab 12 Jahren spielbar.

Merlins Zaubertrank

Wählen Sie Datum und Uhrzeit aus:

Select the date and time:

  • Monday
  • Tuesday
  • Wednesday
  • Thursday
  • Friday
  • Saturday
  • Sunday
  • Person 2: $40
  • Person 3: $30
  • Person 4: $27.5
  • Person 5: $25
  • Person 6: $25
  • Person 7: $25
  • Person 2: $38
  • Person 3: $27
  • Person 4: $22
  • Person 5: $19
  • Person 6: $19
  • Person 7: $19
p.P.: 0.00
Gesamt: 0.00 € inkl. 19% MwSt.
- +
Kosten pro Person: 0.00
Buchungskosten: 0.00 € inkl. 19% MwSt.
Locations in Berlin:
Möllendorfstraße 49


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